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Queen Of The Damned

User Reviews

added: 27th February 2005
name: Taru-Lintu
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After reading the books, I was looking forward to another movie. "Queen Of The Damned" by no means passed my expectations. Instead of filling in the very few gaps or queries I was left with after the astonishing books, I was left horrified at the changes. I mean Marius the maker of Lestat, purr-lease! The whole film agitated me to the point where I had to will myself to live towards the end! The cast was mediocre although I did like Vincent Perez as Marius, he was so elegantly how would you say... camp.
*bring back Banderas and Cruise and change the whole script and effects and maybe, just maybe, you will have yourself a decent flick worthy of our attention ;)

added: 10th February 2005
name: leovigildo
homepage: -

I was shocked at how good Interview With The Vampire was and at how poor Queen of the Damned was. I've read the book and thought that this would have been one of the best vampire movies in the last 10 years when it was about to come out. I'm disappointed at how pathetically Hollywood handled this film. The actors were all great for their parts - but their personalities, moods, and storylines left MUCH to be desired. TOO much!!
In fact I think the story was a cut and slash job of Anne Rice's novel. It did not show ancient Egypt, the civilization of the cannibalistic tribes, the use of tribal magics to commune with spirits, or the origins of vampirism in Akasha. It focused too much on glamour and not enough on story.
Oh well, I guess this is the way people are liking their horror/sci-fi/mystery movies now-a-days.

added: 21st December 2004
name: Lilith
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I've been a fan of Anne Rice for years, "Queen Of The Damned" being my favorite book, and I say with all sincerity that the movie was incredible. Stuart Townsend was absolutely brilliant; I was in love with Lestat in the books, but after seeing Townsend in the role, I was madly obsessed!! He's got that incredible dark, mysterious sex appeal that I find incredibly alluring, and his pretentious yet intriguing persona was utterly compelling.
Aside from the undeniable sexiness of Townsend, Aaliyah was a fantastic Akasha; she put such passion into her role that I was completely blown away by her acting abilities. Not only did she have an incredible voice, but she could portray one hell of a sexy vampire! Cheers!!

added: 17th Octobre 2003
name: Kalika
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I thought that this movie was awesome. Stuart Townsend played an excellent role as Lestat. He was sexy but mysterious and just fit the part so well. This is the kind of movie that makes you think about what it would be like to be an immortal. You get to live vicariously through Lestat and all of the other vampires. I think that this movie was well put can only do so much in 101 minutes...and the music was kickass. It totally fit the presence of Lestst and Akasha in a way that if I listen to the soundtrack, I recall the scenes where the music was played so vividly. I have to say, after re-watching this movie and then going to see Underworld, I was so totally disapponted with Underworld. Watch this movie and keep an open never know when there might be a vampire around! Have Fun!!

added: 1st April 2003
name: Jean Valek
homepage: -

Another instance of Hollywood's lack of ideas and talent. This movie does really suck. Pure crap, garbage. I must say that I am NOT an Anne Rice fan, but rather the contrary. I love vampires, but I hate Rice's soap opera fragile and tormented vamps wannabes. I think that vampires owe nothing to this woman, and I just can't stand that, for some people, being a fan of vampires does necessarily imply being a fan of Rice's books. Put it simply, I think this woman has turned vamps into a group of faggots that get out of my nerves. That said, I must say that I hate this movie as well. Not only it is a bad movie from a technical point of view (I did not like Interview With The Vampire either, but at least this was a decent, well-done flick, I must admit it), with mediocre perfomances, unbearable "music", videoclip feeling to it that prooves to what extent this is but a commercial movie intended for teenagers. The idea of vampires as rock stars is not new in cinema, anyway, although I suppose that by the time when Lestat the Vampire - the book was released it was somehow surprising, but this movie is not original in this sense. Akasha has no presence at all. Just when she is liberated and starts doing evil things, she's destroyed so easily and ridiculously that you can't help but asking yourself if that was the allmighty goddess of vampires. Of course, it is the most powerful vampire according to Anne Rice, so don't you expect nothing impressive. If you wanna see a good vampire flick and a good vampire, watch John Carpenter's Vampires and Valek. THAT is a story about vampires.

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