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Return Of Count Yorga, The

User Reviews

added: 19th September 2004
name: Retro
homepage: -

While it's more of its own movie rather then a straight out sequel (with the lack of explanation of how Yorga returns), Return of Count Yorga is a great follow up to its original. The pacing a little faster now, but the horror elements have been tuned up drasticly. Heck the first scene alone of the brides rising out of their graves should tell you what your in for. Robert Quarry once again turns in a great performance and is obviously having fun with it. The rest of the actors do well with the human roles. At least they're a bit more active this time around though they still just seem to be counting the minutes before they get bit or choked to death. Which brings me to some of the flaws, I thought the whole bobby trapped house was a bit much. Doors lock on the dime, a switch that opens to the brides room, even a bit of quicksand behind the house. I won't blame you if you raise an eyebrow at some of this stuff. Also the inclusion of that witch like woman and the mute maid seem kinda pointless other then for a surprise scare factor. But still the good outweights the bad and its a fun movie overall with a great climax and a nice spin on the original's ending. If you love the original, Return of Count Yorga will definitely peak your interest.

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