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Trancers 5: Sudden Deth

Release date: 1994 USA/Romania
Running time: 70' (cover 71'/USA 73') - Source: VHS PAL
Rating: Germ.: 16; UK: 15; US: R
Main Crew: Director: David Nutter (Dark Angel 2000; Disturbing Behavior 1998; Cease Fire 1985)
Producer: Full Moon Entertainment
Score: Gary Fry
Writer: Peter David
Director of photography: Adolfo Bartoli


Summary: It's been a long time since Jack Deth (Tim Thomerson) defeated cruel vampire Lord Caliban (Clabe Hartley), but he still has no possibility to return to the 24th century. Together with Caliban's son Prospero (Ty Miller) and the just as beautiful as intrepid partisan Shaleen (Teri Ivens) he's on the quest for his escape: the magic crystal, whose powers enable its owner to travel through time and space. But before the three achieve their goal, they're confronted with a foe they never would have expected: Lord Caliban...

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