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Vampyres Online
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Mad Love Life Of A Hot Vampire

Genre: Adult

Release date: 1971 USA
Running time: 50' - Source: VHS NTSC
Rating: US: NR
Main Crew: Director: Ray Dennis Steckler (as Sven Christian) (The Horny Vampire 1971; Rat Pfink
               A Boo Boo 1966; The Thrill Killers 1964)
Producer: n/a
Score: n/a
Writer: n/a
Director of photography: n/a


Summary: Count Dracula (Jim Parker) sends three of his vampire women into the Las Vegas night to have sex with men and collect their "vile red blood". Meanwhile, Dr. Van Helsing helps his friend Bill find the cause of his sister's mysterious death, in which her blood had been drained. In the process, he and Bill discover Dracula's hide-out and chase him into the deadly rays of the sun.

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